I just luuuuv honey! Don't you? It's such a miraculous substance, made by some of the most industrious workers in the world. Why not put some of that incredible effort to work for yourself? Where in life do you need some sweetness? Does your boss need to simmer down and sugar up? Does your spouse need to be reminded of why you call him "Honey." Are you working towards the Sweet Life but could always use another way to help manifest it? These are just some of the ways you can put a honey jar spell to work for you!
Each honey jar kit includes 2 oz honey bear, sugar, and a .25 oz baggie of goal-appropriate herbs and roots, along with a cute little 1.5 oz hexagon jar with a metal top (perfect for burning candles directly on). In addition, you will also receive one bottle of appropriate conjure oil and three mini chime candles to get you started on working the jar. (Additional chime candles are available with alternate listing purchase.) Instructions for use are also included.
Choose from the following options. Please designate in the order notes which kit you would like.
Bee My Baby Honey Jar (Pictured)—Use this jar to draw a new love and/or finally catch the eye of that special someone. Includes Adam and Eve Conjure Oil and peach candles.
Boss Fix Honey Jar—Use this jar to get your boss in your corner. Sweeten them up and bring them around to your way of thinking. Get the respect, appreciation, and financial rewards you deserve. Helps encourage good relations with coworkers, too. Includes Boss Fix Conjure Oil and purple candles.
Court Case Honey Jar—Use this jar to gain the favor of the court, your lawyer, the jury, and all others associated with your case. Includes Court Case Conjure Oil and brown candles.
Happy Hive Honey Jar—Use this jar to sweeten relations among family members and to create a peaceful home. Includes Peaceful Home Conjure Oil and blue candles.
Mo' Money Honey Jar—Use this jar to draw monetary opportunities and financial success. Also, to help sweeten would-be employers into giving you the job. Includes Mean Green Money Magnet Conjure Oil and green candles.
Reconciliation Honey Jar—Use this jar to draw two people together again. Use with friends, business partners, estranged family members, or even ex-lovers. Includes Reconciliation Conjure Oil and pink candles.
Self-Love Honey Jar—Use this jar to help you to recognize and cherish the most important person in your life. Includes Love U Conjure Oil and pink candles.
Sweet Life Honey Jar—Use this jar to draw the sweetness of success to your life. Draw recognition, support, praise, and positive attention. Enhance leadership, charisma, sex appeal, and charm. Gain favor and opportunity while making even you enemies sweet on you. Includes Crown of Success Conjure Oil and yellow candles.
Sweet Spouse Honey Jar—Use this jar to sweeten your honey bunny and remind them why you married in the first place. Includes Chuparrosa Conjure Oil and red candles.
Be sure to practice proper fire safety; do not leave a flame unattended.
+++Please note that there are no guarantees in spellwork. Apply strong focus and faith to give your work every opportunity to influence circumstance and draw the outcome you desire. +++