Bay Leaf Manifestation Kits—Blessings/Love/Money/Success

  • Model: LC-CKBAYANY


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What's easier than writing your desire on a bay leaf and then burning it? Not much. This handy little kit supplies you with three bay leaves for inscribing, three 4-inch chime candles for burning, and an appropriate oil to use on both.

Choose from the following options. Please designate in the order notes which kit you would like.

Any Positive Purpose—For three separate desires or three of the same. Comes with three 4-inch, white chime candles and one bottle of Van Van Conjure Oil.

Come To Me—For drawing love, sex, and romance. Comes with three 4-inch, red chime candles and one bottle of Come To Me Conjure Oil.

Crown of Success—For drawing all forms of success. Comes with three 4-inch, yellow chime candles and one bottle of Crown of Success Conjure Oil.

Money Magnet—For drawing all forms of financial rewards and good fortune. Comes with three 4-inch, green chime candles and one bottle of Mean Green Money Magnet Conjure Oil.


Using a Sharpie marker or other felt-tip pen, write your wish or intention on the bay leaf. Keep it simple, for example, "New Job" or "Good Health." Anoint it with the oil provided, just one dot is fine.

Clean each of the candles with one of the following: Florida Water, Hoyt's Cologne, rubbing alcohol, whiskey, rum, ammonia, lemon juice, vinegar, sage smoke, tobacco smoke, or incense. Stroke the candle from the base to the wick (to remove what is not wanted). Say something like, "I remove all negativity and attachments from this candle. I consecrate it for my purposes." Please note that, if you use a liquid to clean your candle, ensure that it is entirely dry before proceeding on to the next step.

Place a dot of oil in each palm of your hand and then rub them together until they get hot. Touch the candle to transfer the oil to the candle. Stroke the candle from the wick to the base (to draw in what you want), while stating your petition of what you want to happen, what change is needed or wanted. Say something like, "All of my bills are easily paid; I am able to save as much money as I want." Place the candle in an appropriate holder or in a bowl of sand or salt. Light the candle.

Touch the bay leaf to the lit wick and let it catch fire. Immediately place the burning leaf in a fireproof container to let it burn itself out. Once the leaf is done burning and fully cooled, go outside and blow the ashes to the west to remove something from your life, or to the east to draw something new in. Once the candle finishes and is fully extinguished, place the remains in a mojo bag (to carry with you) or dispose of them in a brown paper bag, either in your own trash or a trash bin located by a crossroads.

Be sure to practice proper fire safety; do not leave a flame unattended.

+++Please note that there are no guarantees in spellwork. Apply strong focus and faith to give your work every opportunity to influence circumstance and draw the outcome you desire. +++