Boss Fix Conjure Oil

  • Model: LC-COBOSSFX


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Used to gain favor with your employer, sweeten their disposition towards you, and catch their ear when proposing your ideas. Place this oil on items your boss will touch, or put it on candles, in a sweetening jar, or on petitions, pictures, business cards, etc. You want preferential treatment, you've got it! And if not, then there's always the threat of the want ads to provide inspiration for remediation—"seeking full time employees, excellent pay and benefits," indeed.

Each clear glass rectangular bottle contains a 1/2 oz. of our specially formulated oil.

Sold as curios only. For external use only; do not ingest. If you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications, we recommend that you consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before handling or using any of our products. Skin-safe but always patch test first. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN AND PETS!