Herbs & More


We try to keep the weight you will receive for each “herb” at around 14 g / .50 oz per item. However, due to availability, pricing will vary from item to item. In addition, you may pay $4.50 for a heavy root and receive a smaller physical amount than if you purchased a light, leafy herb for the same price. They may both cost the same, and the weight provided may be the same, but the physical amount will differ. Also, some items are packaged as one whole root, or as several pieces for a given price, and are not subject to the 14 g / .50 oz per item general standard. So, please read closely and make sure you know exactly what you are getting for the price you are paying. Also, please note that the pictures that accompany each listing are intended to help in identifying any given herb and are not necessarily an exact representation of the amount you will receive.

If you have any questions, then please ask by utilizing the “Contact Us” form. Thank you!

Abrus Seed // Whole

Abrus Seed // Whole

Small red and black seeds used in instruments, jewelry, and amulets;...

Black Walnut Husk // Cut

Black Walnut Husk // Cut

Used to kill any remaining love after a breakup; ends obsessions; to jinx...

Black Walnut Leaf // Cut

Black Walnut Leaf // Cut

Used to kill any remaining love after a breakup; ends obsessions; to jinx...

Blue Cohosh Root // Cut

Blue Cohosh Root // Cut

Cleanses and expels evil; protects people, places, and children; aka...

Butterfly Bush Fluff // Cut

Butterfly Bush Fluff // Cut

Used for scrying on water, it also assists one in other endeavors...

Calamus Root - Small // Whole

Calamus Root - Small // Whole

Used for the control and domination of people and situations; strengthens...

Cedar Leaf // Cut

Cedar Leaf // Cut

Increases psychic powers; general protection and from lightning; attracts...

Centuary // Cut

Centuary // Cut

Used for protection and to repel snakes, anger, and negative energies;...

Devil's Shoestring // Cut

Devil's Shoestring // Cut

Carry when looking for a job; increases gambling luck; protects from...

Elder Berry // Whole

Elder Berry // Whole

Carried for protection against natural and unnatural illnesses; used to...