
Our Condition or Conjure Oils are made from only condition-correct and authentic ingredients. Each bottle contains and assortment of roots, herbs, spices, resins, minerals, essential oils, and other symbolic curios designed to address any given condition or need.

Adam And Eve Conjure Oil

Adam And Eve Conjure Oil

Used to promote and strengthen love and devotion between established...

Banishing Conjure Oil

Banishing Conjure Oil

Used to neutralize and get rid of whomever and whatever troubles you,...

Bend Over Conjure Oil

Bend Over Conjure Oil

Used to gain the upper hand in relationships where things are uneven or...

Better Business Conjure Oil

Better Business Conjure Oil

Used to remove blockages to business success and opportunities, encourage...

Block Buster Conjure Oil

Block Buster Conjure Oil

Bust up blockages to your success; remove obstacles; blast away the things...

Boss Fix Conjure Oil

Boss Fix Conjure Oil

Used to gain favor with your employer, sweeten their disposition towards...

Break Up Conjure Oil

Break Up Conjure Oil

Used to encourage contention and create rifts in relationships. Makes...

Cast Off Evil Conjure Oil

Cast Off Evil Conjure Oil

Used to cast off the chains of addiction and bad habits. Eliminates...

Chuparrosa Conjure Oil

Chuparrosa Conjure Oil

In Mexican folklore, the diminutive but mighty hummingbird symbolizes...

Cleo May Oil

Cleo May Oil

A woman's boudoir companion used to enhance her attractiveness and to draw...