Saint Vigils

The Lonely Soul Vigil

The Lonely Soul Vigil

AKA Anima Sola; petition "the Lonely Soul," for a dearly departed's...

Saint Peregrine Laziosi Vigil

Saint Peregrine Laziosi Vigil

Saint Peregrine is the patron of cancer patients, petition him for...

Saint Patrick Vigil

Saint Patrick Vigil

Saint Patrick was said to have driven all of the snakes out of Ireland....

Saint Martin of Tours Vigil

Saint Martin of Tours Vigil

AKA Martin de Caballero; Saint Martin of Tours provides protection and...

Saint Martin of Porres Vigil

Saint Martin of Porres Vigil

AKA Martin de Porres; Saint Martin of Porres is know as the first Black...

Saint Martha Vigil

Saint Martha Vigil

AKA Martha Dominadora, or Martha the Dominator; Saint Martha is the...

Saint Lucy Vigil

Saint Lucy Vigil

Petition Saint Lucy for help with blindness and other eye afflictions as...

Saint Lazarus of Dives Vigil

Saint Lazarus of Dives Vigil

Known for his miraculous resurrection, Saint Lazarus of Dives is patron of...

Saint Jude Thaddeus Vigil

Saint Jude Thaddeus Vigil

AKA San Judas Tadeo; Saint Jude is the patron of lost causes and desperate...

Saint Joseph Vigil

Saint Joseph Vigil

Saint Joseph is said to help those selling real estate and in...